
Get in touch with us

If you have questions about our projects or a donation, our team is here to assist you. Write us a letter, call us or email us by using the contact form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our address

Wikimedia CH, post box, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland

Tel. +41 21 311 17 82, Monday to Friday, from 9:00-17:00, in English, German and French.

Please note:

  • The address above is intended for regular mail purposes only.
    In the commercial register, Wikimedia CH is officially listed with the following address: Wikimedia CH, c/o Studio Legale Gilles Benedick, Via Ludovico Ariosto 6, 6900 Lugano.
  • Wikimedia CH has no central office. The staff members are based all over Switzerland. Since 2016, the team has been working in a virtual environment.

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