Community Care

Creating a Safe Space for Knowledge Sharing

Free knowledge thrives when people feel safe to contribute their perspectives and expertise. To better support the volunteers who make Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects possible, we offer concrete services to ensure that everyone can participate without fear of discrimination or harassment.

Taking action against unacceptable behavior

A few years down the line, the Wikimedia Foundation Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) was created and provides a global baseline of acceptable (art. 2) and unacceptable (art. 3) behavior for the entire movement. Despite the UCoC, we often witness situations of harassment, legal disputes arising from contributions, hate speech, doxing etc. which very negative impact on the health and well being of targeted individuals. Wikimedia CH will take action and offer service to the Wiki-contributors, association members and staff.

Pilot project 1: free PsyHotline

In February 2025, Wikimedia CH launched a pilot project in close collaboration with Wikimedia France. French-speaking Wiki contributors, association members and staff  living in Switzerland got access to professional psychological support. This confidential service offers:

  • Professional counselling from experts familiar with the Wikimedia movement
  • Completely confidential support – no personal information is shared with Wikimedia CH
  • Flexible communication options after initial contact

We aim to expand these services to other language communities in the future.

Pilot project 2: legal support service

Beyond the psychological support hotline, we’re offering a support service for community members facing legal challenges related to their contributions to Wiki platforms. As pilot project, this service is aimed at French-speaking authors from Switzerland. They receive information about their rights and are advised on steps to de-escalate the situation. The decision whether a case is approved for this service depends on various criteria.


Respectful behavior space policy of Wikimedia CH

Wikimedia Foundation Universal Code of Conduct

Wikimedia CH Flyer about our services (to share!)

You have questions? We are here for you.

Maurus Achermann, Community Lead Switzerland