The Wikimedia CH GLAM programme has supported the participation of Lozana Rossenova (TIB Hannover) and Lucie Kolb (Critical Media Lab, Basel) at the “Media Art History Expert Meeting” at LI-MA in Amsterdam on 17 October 2024. The event is part of the 2024 AvoinGLAM commemoration of the work of Minna Tarkka (1960 – 2023).

The Critical Media Lab Basel is one of the two central labs of the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) at Academy of Art and Design at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Basel. With their project “Sharing Knowledge in the Arts” Lozana, Lucie and their team aim to: “[…] produce reflexive feedback between digital preservation, scholarship, and design around sociotechnical imaginaries of accessibility and openness in sharing knowledge in the arts.”

The “Media Art History Expert Meeting” was particularly relevant for Wikimedia CH GLAM as it addressed the challenges faced by digital art communities in integrating their practices with institutional archives. The focus often lies with the artists and artworks, rather than with the events and temporary communities of practice, marginalising this collective knowledge.

This is in alignment with our overarching Wikimedia CH GLAM principles, as the term “cultural activity” also encompasses culture in interaction between people. We believe that knowledge about cultural heritage and the free access to it is one of the central pillars of a democratic society, and we are eager to learn from these experts and observe how they leverage Wikimedia as a connector.

This meeting should result in a blueprint outlining core tasks for small organisations using (public/private) Wikimedia platforms for media archives. Ideally it will be a practical resource, guiding organisatzions from data preparation all the way to upload and sharing. This work is facilitated by Lozana Rossenova, our sponsorship recipient.

(This resource is not yet available, but we will be happy to follow up with the link as soon as possible!)


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Media Art History Expert Meeting – Metapage

 Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures

Sharing Knowledge in the Arts

Minna Tarkka on Wikipédia


Image by Susanna Ånäs using DALL-E on Bing, Media Art History AI placeholder 2, CC BY 4.0