More Women for Wikipedia
Wikimedia CH's initiative More Women for Wikipedia
Wikimedia CH has started this initiative on 8 March 2024. We want to contribute to the global efforts to bring more women into Wikipedia and to close the gender gap. For this objective, we invite organisations, groups and institutions to partner with us. Together we want to gather sustainable funding for future Wiki-projects. We are happy to welcome our first partner the Zonta Club Lausanne.
The current situation you can help to change
Wikipedia is one of the world’s most popular websites – but it is failing to accurately reflect our society and history: Women are missing from Wikipedia pages, both as subjects and editors: Less than 20% of the biographies on Wikipedia are those of women. Less than 10% of the contributing editors are women.
To whom we adress to
This initiative focusses on organisations, associations, foundations, think tanks, and committed groups who stand for objectives like empowering women and girls, standing for gender equity, giving more visibility to women, supporting women in education or in the tech field, seeking for attractive talks and topics, seeking for attractive activities for their members (f.e. Wikipedia workshops), or seeking for a modern way to fulfil their objectives.
Why Wikimedia CH is doing that
Wikimedia CH supports each year a lot of projects in Switzerland which contribute to close the gender gap. We intend to play a more active part in this task and therefore, we want to shift this engagement on a more structured level in creating a focus “More Women for Wikipedia”as a part of the Community programme.
The objectives which are aligned with WMCH’s mission: promote and sensibilise for this issue, make more women visible on Wiki platforms, encourage people to start new projects, motivate more women for editing, ensure an efficient infrastructure for the work on this field, create a network for different groups in Switzerland, and use the result for outreach and fundraising objectives.
Advantage for local groups funded by Wikimedia CH
Local groups have one central funding source for their Wikipedia activities with equal guidelines for all of them. They don’t need to waste time on fundraising and have more capacity to concentrate on content creation. Wikimedia CH works as a national hub for exchange of knowledge and experience. This initiative is a contribution to strengthen the national identity and help to create multilingual content.
Five good reasons to become a partner
Partners help to reduce gender stereotypes, to foster inclusion of important information and to increase representation of women in all areas of the society.
An engagement in this way is a commitment that partners want to take over responsibility for equity in the digitalisation of our society.
An engagement in this way is a proof that partners are connected to the digital development and follow a modern approach to support women’s standing in the world.
This engagement allows the donor’s/partner’s organisation an interesting story telling about a different approach to reach their own objectives.
Partner organisations can benefit to invite their members to Wiki-workshops or invite Wiki-Editors to give a speech about their articles about an interesting topic or person.
Five reasons for funding Wikimedia CH
Wikimedia CH is part of a global Movement and has a huge national and international network. As association we help to create global visibility of Swiss content.
Wikimedia CH has already an existing network of contributors, a clear grant strategy to provide donated money to local players, has experience in project financing and is a reliable partner.
Wikipedia is among the top ten websites of the world and the only non commercial. To keep Wikipedia and its sister platforms independent, Wikimedia CH is funded by donations only. You contribute directly to close the gender gap.
Wikipedia and its sister platforms have a major impact on the development of Artificial Intelligence by providing a vast amount of training data for machine learning algorithms. With this initiative you help Wikimedia CH to fight for fair outcomes to reduce discrimination.
Wikimedia CH is political neural and independent. With your partnership you stand with us for diversity and unbiased free knowledge.
Our partners
This year's projects
2024 Wiki workshop with SAPA in Locarno
2024 GLAM-on-Tour sur la chasse aux sorcières
2024 Editathon about women of the canton of Thurgau
2024 Wiki atelier spécial sorcellerie à la Bibliothèque de Genève
2024 Journées du Matrimoine Lausanne with Editathon about women on stage
2024 Wiki loves Folklore
2024 Who writes his_tory
2024 Activities of Noircir Wikipédia
Past projects
Event series: Since 2019 twice a year Edit-a-thon (or here)
2023 : Noircir Wikipédia workshop focusing on women from Eswatini and Sudan
2023 : Noircir Wikipédia workshop focusing on women authors
2023 : bilingual DE/FR workshop Frauenbewegungen-Mouvements_féministes_Biel-Bienne
2023 : les sans pagEs convention
2023 : Editathon on women scientists in partnership with the UNIL Faculty of biology and medecine
2022 : a feminist leaning WikiNeocomensia
2022 Who writes his_tory: Von WMCH geförderter Event mit Tinguely-Museum in Basel
2022 Imapct Hackathon de Women++ – Wikimedia
2021 Celebration of 50 Years Swiss Women’s Suffrage – Wikimedia
2021: Journées de Soleure – Wikipédia Atelier met l’accent sur des femmes – Wikimedia sur les femmes au cinéma
2021 #WikiGap Workshop – Wikimedia kooperiert mit Schwedischen Botschaften – Wikimedia
2021 Celebration of 50 Years Swiss Women’s Suffrage – Wikimedia
Watch our video "Mind the gab"
Join us! Contact us!
Andrea Scheller
Operational Team Lead